1. Chao Han, Wei Wang*, Jun Zeng*, Jia-Lu Zhang*, Lightcone and quasi distribution amplitudes for light octet and decuplet baryons, JHEP 07 (2024) 019, arXiv:2404.04855.
2. Yu-Ji Shi*, Jun Zeng*, Zhi-Fu, Deng, Revisiting $K_1(1270)$-$K_1(1400)$ mixing with QCD sum rules, Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 1, 016027, arXiv:2310.20429.
3. Zhi-Fu, Deng, Yu-Ji Shi*, Wei Wang*, Jun Zeng*, QED contributions to the $\Xi_c^+-\Xi_c^{'+}$ mixing, Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 3, 036014, arXiv:2309.16386.
4. Zhi-Fu, Deng, Chao Han, Wei Wang*, Jun Zeng*, Jia-Lu. Zhang, Light-cone distribution amplitudes of a light baryon in large-momentum effective theory, JHEP 07 (2023) 191, arXiv:2304.09004.
5. Zhi-Fu, Deng, Wei Wang, Jun Zeng*, Transverse-momentum-dependent wave functions and soft functions at one-loop in large momentum effective theory, JHEP 09 (2022) 046, arXiv:2207.07280.
6. Wei Cheng, Yuan He, Jing-Wang Diao, Yu Pan*, Jun Zeng*, Jia-Wei Zhang, A new way to test the WIMP dark matter models, JHEP 08 (2021) 124, arXiv:2011.11548.
7. Jun Zeng, Xing-Gang Wu*, Xu-Chang Zheng, Jian-Ming Shen, Gauge dependence of the perturbative QCD predictions under the momentum space subtraction scheme, Chin. Phys. C 44, 113102 (2020), arXiv: 2004.12068.
8. Jun Zeng, Xing-Gang Wu*, Shi Bu, Jian-Ming Shen , Sheng-Quan Wang, Reanalysis of the Higgs-boson decay $H \to gg$ up to $\alpha_s^6$-order level using the principle of maximum conformality, J.Phys.G 45(2018) 8, 085004, arXiv:1801.01414.
9. LPC Collaboration, Lattice Calculation of the Intrinsic Soft Function and the Collins-Soper Kernel, JHEP08(2023)172, arXiv:2306.06488.
10. LPC Collaboration, Nonperturbative determination of the Collins-Soper kernel from quasitransverse-momentum-dependent wave functions, Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 3, 034509, arXiv:2204.00200.
11. LPC Collaboration, Transverse-momentum-dependent wave functions of the pion from lattice QCD, Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 9, L091503, arXiv:2302.09961.
12. Zhi-Fu Deng, Wei Wang*, Yan-Bing Wei*, Jun Zeng*, Probing heavy meson lightcone distribution amplitudes with heavy quark spin symmetry, arXiv:2409.00632.
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