Title: Galactic dynamics: A MaNGA view
Speaker: 毛淑德 教授
Host: 沈俊太 教授
Time: 15:00-16:00, Dec 27(Wednesday), 2023 (2023年12月27日 周三 15:00-16:00)
Venue: 理科楼5号楼300号报告厅
【Abstract】I will give an introduction to Galactic dynamics, and then discuss what we have learned about the scaling relations, stellar populations and the matter (including dark matter) distributions using MaNGA, the largest integral field survey of nearby galaxies.
【Speaker's biography】
Shude Mao, Professor of Astrophysics, Chair, Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University. My main research interests are galactic dynamics, gravitational lensing, and extrasolar planets.