1984-1989 中国科学技术大学物理系 本科
1989-1991 中科院上海冶金研究所(现微系统所) 研究实习员
1991-1994 中国科学技术大学物理系 硕士
1994-1997 中国科学技术大学结构中心 博士
1997-1999 上海交通大学 应用物理系 讲师、副教授
2000-2002 香港科技大学物理系 博士后/访问学者
1999-2014 上海交通大学分析测试中心副主任、主任(2007年晋升教授)
2014-2015 上海交通大学资产管理与实验室处处长
2015.10-2020.7 上海交通大学人力资源处处长(2017年起兼任党委教师工作部部长)
2020.6 PC28预测 党委书记
Adhesion and nanotribological properties of folded graphene prepared by mechanical exfoliation, Deng, JF; Li, HQ; Yu, F; Liang, Q*, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 69, 076802 (2020)
Ga-In liquid metal nanoparticles prepared by physical vapor deposition, Yu, F; Xu, JL; Li, HQ; Wang, ZZ; Sun, LM; Deng, T; Tao, P*; Liang, Q*, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International 28, 28 (2018)
Dispersion stability of thermal nanofluids, Yu, F; Chen, YY; Liang, XB; Xu, JL; Lee, CS; Liang, Q*; Tao, P*; Deng, T*, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International 27, 531 (2017)
The Edge Magnetization and Strip Phase of Graphene Quantum Dots with Long-Range Coulomb Interaction, Li, N; Zhu, WH; Liang, Q; Ding, GH, Chinese Physics Letters, 31 (2014)
Organic-inorganic random copolymers from methacrylate-terminated poly(ethylene oxide) with 3-methacryloxypropylheptaphenyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane: synthesis via RAFT polymerization and self-assembly behaviour, Wei, K; Li, L; Zheng, SX; Wang, G; Liang, Q, Soft Matter, 10, 383 (2014)
Nanotribological and Wear Properties of Graphene, Zhu, QR; Li, HQ; Li, N; Chai, J; Gao, RG; Liang, Q*, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 29, 1582 (2013)
The nanoscale phase distinguishing of PCL-PBPCL blended in epoxy resin by tapping mode atomic force microscopy, Li, Huiqin; Sun, Limin; Shen, Guangxia; Liang, Qi*, Nanoscale Research Letters, 7, 153 (2012)
Growth and Nanotribological Properties of C60 Multilayer Films on Si(111)-7x7 Surface, Du, XQ; Li, HQ; Zhu, QR; Zou, ZQ; Liang, Q*, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 27, 2457 (2011)
STM studies of the epitaxial growth of C60 molecules on Si(111)-7 x 7 surface, Zhao, MH; Sun, JJ; Wang, D; Zou, ZQ; Liang, Q*, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 59, 636 (2010)
Friction and Adhesion between C60 Single Crystal Surfaces and AFM tips: Effects of the Orientational Phase Transition, Q. Liang, Hongnian Li, Yabo Xu, and Xudong Xiao, J. Phys. Chem. B110, 403 (2006).
Formation of ordered nanostructures in epoxy thermosets: A mechanism of reaction-induced microphase separation, Meng, FL; Zheng, SX*; Li, HQ; Liang, Q*; Liu, TX, Macromolecules, 39, 5072 (2006)
Analysis of the adsorbates and determination of the adsorption sites on Si(111)-7times7 after a large amount of Ar exposure at room temperature. Wang, H; Zou, ZQ; Liang, Q; Wang, QK, Physica B, 367, 130 (2005)
Frictional properties of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers with different thermal annealing, Chun Zhang, Qi Liang, Bing Wang, and Xudong Xiao, Journal of Applied Physics 95, 3411 (2004)
Effect of C60Molecular Rotation on Nanotribology, Qi Liang, O. K. C. Tsui, Yabo Xu, Hongnian Li, Xudong Xiao, Physical Review Letters 90, 146102 (2003)
Interaction of Ce overlayers with the GaSb(111) surface and oxidation of the Ce/GaSb interface Liang, Q; Ji, MR; Wu, JX; Ma, MS; Liu, XM; Zhang, YH; Applied Surface Science, 120, 165 (1997)
Photoemission of the oxidation of cerium overlayers on GaSb(110) surface. Liang, Q; Wu, JX; Ji, MR; Ma, MS; Liu, XM; Zhang, YH, Chinese Physics Letters, 14, 793 (1997)