
沈文忠 教授 教育部“国家高层次人才” (2000 年)、国家“杰出青年” (2001 年)
  • 凝聚态物理研究所
  • 半导体物理与半导体器件物理
  • 021-54747552
  • 理科楼5号楼723室
  • [email protected]
  • //cmsoep.physics.pc28yuce.net



1)        Free-standing ultrathin silicon wafers and solar cells through edges reinforcement, Taojian Wu, Zhaolang Liu, Hao Lin, Pingqi Gao, and Wenzhong Shen, Nature Communications 15, 3843-(1-11) (2024).

2)        Structure optimization and passivation strategy toward efficient integrated perovskite/pseudo-planar heterojunction solar cells, Li He, Haotian Zhang, Dezhao Zhang, Chao Gao, Hongzhen Su, Daxue Du, Dong Ding, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2403020-(1-14) (2024).

3)        In situ artificial wide-bandgap Cs-based recrystallized-arrays for optical optimization of perovskite solar cells, Chao Gao, Haotian Zhang, Feiyang Qiao, Huanpei Huang, Dezhao Zhang, Dong Ding, Daxue Du, Jingjing Liang, Jiahao Bao, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, Nano Energy 116, 108765-(1-9) (2023).

4)        Multiple function synchronous optimization by PbS quantum dots for highly stable planar perovskite solar cells with efficiency exceeding 23%, Li He, Hongzhen Su, Zhengping Li, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2213963-(1-12) (2023).

5)        A review on monolithic perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cell: Progress, challenges, and opportunities, Chao GaoDaxue DuDong DingFeiyang Qiao, and Wenzhong Shen, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10, 10811-10828 (2022).

6)        Deep learning based automatic detection of multi-type defects in photovoltaic modules and application in real production line, Yang Zhao, Ke Zhan, Zhen Wang, and Wenzhong Shen, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 29, 471-484 (2021).

7)        Edge effect in silicon solar cells with dopant-free interdigitated back-contacts, Hao Lin, Jiajia Wang, Zilei Wang, Zhiyuan Xu, Pingqi Gao, and Wenzhong Shen, Nano Energy 74, 104893-(1-10) (2020).

8)        Suppression of surface and Auger recombination by formation and control of radial junction in silicon microwire solar cells, Fei Wu, Hao Lin, Zhenhai Yang, Mingdun Liao, Zilei Wang, Zhengping Li, Pingqi Gao, Jichun Ye, and Wenzhong Shen, Nano Energy 58, 817-824 (2019).

9)        Perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cells with realistic inverted architecture: Achieving high efficiency by optical optimization, Lixiang Ba, Hong Liu, and Wenzhong Shen, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Applications 26, 924-933 (2018).

10)    Development of back-junction back-contact silicon solar cells based on industrial processes, Guilin Lu, Jianqiang Wang, Zhengyi Qian, and Wenzhong Shen, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Application 25, 441-451 (2017).

11)    All-solution-processed random Si nanopyramids for excellent light trapping in ultrathin solar cells, Sihua Zhong, Wenjie Wang, Yufeng Zhuang, Zengguang Huang, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 4768-4777 (2016).

12)    High-efficiency nanostructured silicon solar cells on large scale realized through suppression of recombination channels, Sihua Zhong, Zengguang Huang, Xingxing Lin, Yang Zeng, Yechi Ma, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Materials 27, 555-561 (2015).



1)      沈文忠、高超、李正平著,《钙钛矿/晶硅异质结叠层太阳电池》,2023年,科学出版社, 59.8万字, ISBN: 978-7-03-076709-7.

2)      沈文忠、李正平编著,《硅基异质结太阳电池物理与器件》,2014年,科学出版社,39.6万字,ISBN: 978-7-03-041514-1.

3)      沈文忠主编,《太阳能光伏技术与应用》,2013年,上海交通大学出版社,86.4万字,ISBN: 978-7-313-10401-4/TM. 


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