
王辉 教授
  • 光科学与技术研究所
  • 半导体光电探测、微电子及应用物理
  • 021-54747244
  • 理科楼5号楼433室
  • [email protected]

王辉,PC28预测 教授,复旦大学物理系光学专业毕业,理学博士(MIT博士后),博士生导师,先后主讲高等光学、非线性光学、纳米光子学及光电子信息导论。研究工作主要集中在光学、应用物理(用于数据存储或者类脑计算的忆阻器)以及半导体物理(高灵敏光电探测器)等交叉领域。作为第一或者通讯作者在 IEEE Electron Device Letters, Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Energy Environ. Sci.Advanced Materials, Nano Energy, Device, Nano Letters, Applied Physics ReviewsPhysical Review Applied, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  ACS Photonics, Small,  Applied Physics Letters  等国际专业学术期刊上发表论文百余篇(含多篇封面文章和邀请综述,全部在上海交大独立完成),作为项目负责人完成多项国家自然科学基金项目及若干项上海市科委项目。

Selected Publications (all as the corresponding author*):



1.     Ke Chang, Xinhui Zhao, Xinna Yu, Zhikai Gan, Renzhi Wang, Anhua Dong, Zhuyikang Zhao, Yafei Zhang, Hui Wang*, “Photo-induced Non-volatile Resistive Switching Behavior in Oxygen-doped MoS2 for Neuromorphic Vision System”, Nano Letters, 2023, 23, 17, 8288-8294; DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c02499 (2023)

2.     Yuhong Cao, Kang’an Jiang, Zhuyikang Zhao, and Hui Wang*, “Laser-amplified nonvolatile charge trapping effect in semiconductor quantum dot structures”, Optica Vol. 10, No. 7, 897-904 (2023); //doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.492416

3.     Renzhi Wang, Ke Chang, Xinhui Zhao, Xinna Yu, Saiqun Ma, Zhuyikang Zhao, Hui Wang*High-performance Ta2O5-based Resistive Random-access Memory with Embedded Graphene Quantum Dots and Pt-Ag Composite Active Layer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 123, issue 4 (2023)

4.     Y. Li, Q. Zhang, Y. Cao, Z. Kang, H. Ren, Z. Hu, M. Gao, X. Ma, J. Yao, Y. Wang, C. Zhang, G. Ding, J. Liu, J. Bao*, H. Wang* and Z. Yang*, “A constant-current generator by water droplets driving Schottky diode without rectifying circuit”, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3EE02280C (2023)

5.     Nan Su, Kun Xu, Xinna Yu, Shuai Liu, Xinhui Zhao, Su Hu, Peng Bao, Yiru Niu, and Hui Wang*, “Reliable Position-Sensitive Detectors Based on Ag/Nanocellulose/Si for High-Temperature Environments”, Optics Letters Vol. 48, Issue13, 3531-3534 (2023); DOI: 10.1364/OL.494776 (Editor's Pick)

6.     Xinhui Zhao, Ke Chang, Binbin Liu, Kang'an Jiang, Chenhua Hu, Ying Wang, and Hui Wang*, “Electrochemical-tunable and mesostructure-dependent abrupt-to-progressive conversion in fibroin-based transient memristor”, Applied Physics Letters 121, 023301 (2022); Featured: This paper was selected as Featured

7.     Yizhen Li, Xinhui Zhao, Ke Chang, Yiru Niu, Xinna Yu, and Hui Wang*, “Enhancing the Resistive Switching Performance in a Physically Transient Memristor by Doping MoS2 Quantum Dots”, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 17, 034007 (2022); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.034007

8.     Yiru Niu, Xinna Yu, Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, Shuai Liu, Zhikai Gan, Ke Chang, Binbin Liu, Kang’an Jiang, Yizhen Li and Hui Wang*, “Improved Al2O3 RRAM performance based on SiO2/MoS2 quantum dots hybrid structure”, Applied Physics Letters 120, 022106 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0070400

9.     Xinhui Zhao, Renzhi Wang, Peng Bao, Yiru Niu, Diyuan Zheng, Zhuyikang Zhao, Nan Su, Chenhua Hu, Su Hu, Ying Wang, and Hui Wang*, "Large near-infrared lateral photovoltaic effect in an organic egg albumin/Si structure," Opt. Lett. 47, 4076-4079 (2022) (Editor's Pick)

10.   Diyuan Zheng, Xinyuan Dong, Yiru Niu and Hui Wang*, “Ultrafast and Hypersensitized Detection Based on van der Waals Connection in Two-dimensional WS2/Si Structure”, Applied Surface Science 574, 151662 (2022)

11.   Diyuan Zheng, Xinyuan Dong, Jing Lu, Yiru Niu and Hui Wang*, “High-sensitivity Infrared Photoelectric Detection based on WS2/Si Structure Tuned by Ferroelectrics”, Small 2021, 2105188, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202105188 (2021)

12.   Binbin Liu, Ke Chang, Xinna Yu, Yiru Niu, Xinyuan Dong, and Hui Wang*, “Compliance-Current Manipulation of Dual-Filament Switching in a Ta/Ta2O5/In-Sn-O Structure with an Ultralow Power Consumption”, Physical Review Applied 16, 044050 (2021); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.044050

13.   Xinna Yu, Ke Chang, Anhua Dong, Zhikai Gan, Kang'an Jiang, Yibin Ling, Yiru Niu, Diyuan Zheng, Xinyuan Dong, Renzhi Wang, Yizhen Li, Zhuyikang Zhao, Peng Bao, Binbin Liu, Yuhong Cao, Su Hu, Hui Wang*, “High-Performance Resistive Switching Memory with Embedded Molybdenum Disulfide Quantum Dots”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 172104 (2021); //doi.org/10.1063/5.0039654

14.   Yuhong Cao, Zhuyikang Zhao, Peng Bao, Zhikai Gan, and Hui Wang*, “Lateral photovoltaic effect in silk-protein-based nanocomposite structure for physically transient position-sensitive detectors”, Physical Review Applied 15,054011 (2021); DOI:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.054011

15.   Ke Chang, Xinna Yu, Binbin Liu, Yiru Niu, Renzhi Wang, Peng Bao, Gaoqi Hu, Hui Wang*, “Quantum-dots optimized Electrode for High-stability Transient Memristor”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, VOL. 42, NO. 6, JUNE 2021; DOI: 10.1109/LED.2021.3075835

16.   Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, Jing Lu, Yiru Niu, Binbin Liu, and Hui Wang*, “Plasmon-enhanced lateral photovoltaic effect observed in Ag-ZnO core–shell nanoparticles”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 122101 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0044981

17.   Shuai Liu, Anhua Dong, Xinyuan Dong, Yiru Niu, Diyuan Zheng, and Hui Wang*, “Heterojunction interface induced enhancement of position-sensitive photodetection in the nano-film of Ti/SrTiO3 based on the p-type silicon”, Opt. Letters, Vol. 46, issue 13, pp. 3041-3044 (2021)

18.   Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, Jing Lu, Yiru Niu and Hui Wang*, “Selectively enhanced violet and infrared position sensitive photodetectors based on RTA treated ZnO/Si”, Applied Surface Science, 566 (2021) 150687 (2021).

19.   Shuai Liu, Xinyuan Dong, Yiru Niu, Diyuan Zheng, Zhikai Gan, and Hui Wang*, “Enhancement of light-induced resistance effect in the nanostructure of Ag/graphene based on the n-type silicon”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 061104 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062661 (2021)

20.   Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, Jing Lu, Yiru Niu and Hui Wang*, “Efficient hot electron extraction of Ag-Cu nanoparticles for high performance lateral photovoltaic effect”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, VOL. 42, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2021, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2021.3106740 (2021)

21.   Ke Chang, Anhua Dong, Xinna Yu, Binbin Liu, Xinhui Zhao, Renzhi Wang, Zhikai Gan, Kang'an Jiang, Yiru Niu, Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, Yizhen Li, Peng Bao, Zhuyikang Zhao, Hui Wang*, “Unconventional Resistive Switching Behavior in Fibroin-Based Memristor”. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 2100843DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202100843 (2021).

22.   Anhua Dong, Ke Chang, Renzhi Wang, Diyuan Zheng, Hui Wang*, “Modulation of optical switching characteristics in MoS2/HfO2/p-Si structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 072104 (2020)

23.   Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, Meng Yuan, Yiru Niu, Binbin Liu, and Hui Wang*, “Laser-Induced Abnormal Cryogenic Magnetoresistance Effect in a Corbino Disk”, Physical Review Applied 13, 064050 (2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.064050 (2020)

24.   Chunlian Mei, Shuai Liu, Anhua Dong, Xu Huang, Chongqi Yu, and Hui Wang*, “Non-equipotential effect observed on the surface of Ti/Si under uniform illumination”, New J. Phys. 22 (2020) 063027 (2020)

25.   Diyuan Zheng, Xinyuan Dong, Jing Lu, Anhua Dong, Yiru Niu, and Hui Wang*, “Laser-Tuned Large Photo Hall Effect in p‑Type Silicon Based on Surface States”, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, 2, 906−912 (2020) Front Cover

26.   Anhua Dong and Hui Wang*, “Lateral Photovoltaic Effect and Photo-Induced Resistance Effect in Nanoscale Metal-Semiconductor Systems”, Annalen der Physik (Ann. Phys. (Berlin)) 2019, 1800440; DOI: 10.1002/andp.201800440 (2019) Invited Review Article

27.   Xinyuan Dong, Diyuan Zheng, and Hui Wang*, “Laser triggered large magnetoresistance change observed in Corbino disk of Cu/SiO2/Si”, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 1800844; DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201800844 (2019)

28.   Anhua Dong, Jing Lu, Shuai Liu, Zhikai Gan, Peiqi Zhou, and Hui Wang*, “Laser tuned large position-dependent tunneling detection dominated by interface states in silicon based oxide-semiconductor structure”, Optics Express, Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 743-752 Published: JAN 21 2019, DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.000743 (2019)

29.   Xu Huang, Kang'an Jiang, Yiru Niu, Renzhi Wang, Diyuan Zheng, Anhua Dong, Xinyuan Dong, Chunlian Mei, Jing Lu, Shuai Liu, Zhikai Gan, Ni Zhong, and Hui Wang*, “Configurable Ultra-Low Operating Voltage Resistive Switching between Bipolar and Threshold Behaviors for Ag/TaOx/Pt Structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 112103 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5047925 (2018)

30.   Zhikai Gan, Peiqi Zhou, Anhua Dong, Diyuan Zheng, and Hui Wang*, “A Laser and Electric Pulse Modulated Nonvolatile Photoelectric Response in Nanoscale Copper Dusted Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structures”, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2018, 1800234, DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201800234 (2018); Highlighted by: //www.materialsviewschina.com/2018/09/30272/ (Cover paper)

31.   Bowei Zhou, Zhikai Gan, Anhua Dong, Sipei Wang, and Hui Wang*, “Sensitive Photodetection Based on the Surface States of P-type Silicon”, IEEE Electron Device Letter, VOL. 39, NO. 2 (2018); DOI: 10.1109/LED.2017.2784835 (2018)

32.   Chunlian Mei, Shuai Liu, Xu Huang, Zhikai Gan, Peiqi Zhou, Hui Wang*, “Localized Surface Plasmon Induced Position-Sensitive Photodetection in Silicon-Nanowire-Modified Ag/Si”, Small 13, 1701726 (2017); DOI: 10.1002/smll.201701726 (Cover paper, 2017)

33.   Xu Huang, Chunlian Mei, Zhikai Gan, Peiqi Zhou, and Hui Wang*, “Lateral photovoltaic effect in p-type silicon induced by surface states”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 121103; doi: 10.1063/1.4978902 (2017)

34.   Bugao Zou, Peiqi Zhou, Jiaren Zou, Zhikai Gan, Chunlian Mei and Hui Wang*, “Using laser to trigger a large positive magnetoresistive effect in nonmagnetic Si-based metal-oxide-semiconductor structure”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Volume: 111, Issue: 24, 241103 (2017)

35.   Huang Xu, Chunlian Mei, Jieqiong Hu, Diyuan Zheng, Gan Zhikai, Zhou Peiqi, and Wang Hui*, “Potential superiority of p-type silicon based MOS structures over n-type for lateral photovoltaic effects”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume 37, Issue 8, DOI 10.1109/LED.2016.2577700 (2016)

36.   Liu Shuai, Huang Meizhen, Yao Yanjie, and Wang Hui*, “Light-Induced Resistance Effect Observed in Nano Au Films Covered Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Volume: 7, Issue: 35 Pages: 19536-19540, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b05603 (2015)

37.   Liu Shuai, Yao Yanjie, and Wang Hui*, “Lateral photovoltaic effect observed in nano Au film covered two-dimensional colloidal crystals”, Applied Physics Letters, Volume: 104, Issue: 11, (2014)

38.   C. Q. Yu and H. Wang*, “Light-induced bipolar-resistance effect based on metal-oxide-semiconductor structures of Ti/SiO2/Si”, Advanced Materials 22, 966-970 (2010). Highlighted by: Materialsviews.com and Materialsviews China

39.   C. Q. Yu and H. Wang*, “Bias-induced offset effect overlapped on bipolar-resistance effect based on Co/SiO2/Si structure”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 041105 (2010).

40.   C. Q. Yu and H. Wang*, “Tunable oscillating lateral photovoltaic effect in surface-patterned metal-semiconductor structures”, Opt. Express 18, 21777 (2010).

41.   C. Q. Yu and H. Wang*, “Precise detection of two-dimensional displacement based on nonlinear lateral photovoltaic effect”, Opt. Letters 35, 2514-2516 (2010).

42.   C. Q. Yu and H. Wang*, “Improved metal-semiconductor position detector with oscillating lateral photovoltaic effect”, Opt. Letters 34, 3770-3772 (2009).

43.   C. Q. Yu, and H. Wang*, S. Q. Xiao, and Y. X. Xia, “Direct observation of lateral photovoltaic effect in nano-metal-films”, Opt. Express 17, 21712 (2009).

44.   C. Q. Yu, and H. Wang*, and Y. X. Xia, “Giant lateral photovoltaic effect observed in TiO2 dusted metal-semiconductor structure of Ti/TiO2/Si”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 141112 (2009).

45.   H. Wang*, S. Q. Xiao, C. Q. Yu, Y. X. Xia, Q. Y. Jin, and Z. H. Wang, “Correlation of magnetoresistance and lateral photovoltage in Co3Mn2O/SiO2/Si metal-oxide-semiconductor structure”, N. J. Phys. 10, 093006 (2008).


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