2009年7月本科毕业于电子科技大学电子信息科学与技术专业,2013年11月于香港科技大学物理系获博士学位。 2013年12月-2017年11月,在瑞士联邦材料科学与技术实验室从事博士后研究。2017年12月加盟PC28预测 ,任特别研究员。曾获得台湾积体电路有限公司杰出博士研究奖,香港科技大学博士研究奖,玛丽居里博士后学者。
主要从事于凝聚态物理及相关领域的前沿研究,利用扫描隧道显微镜,原子力显微镜探测表面物理、化学性质。研究兴趣包括表面化学合成,石墨烯低维纳米结构,拓扑超导材料。近年与合作者一起(1)合成了具有原子精度的石墨烯纳米带;(2)揭示了有机高分子聚合物的导电机理;(3)利用原子力显微镜实现了单个化学键分辨;(4)改善了STM原子操纵技术,构建多个人造系统用于检验凝聚态前沿理论预测。迄今,发表了1篇书籍章节以及20余篇学术论文。其在《Nature》, 《Nature Communications》, 《Physical Review Letters》等期刊发表文章20余篇。
Engineering of robust topological quantum phases in graphene nanoribbons. Nature 560, 209–213 (2018).
Quantum Dots in Graphene Nanoribbons, Nano Letters 17, 4277-4283, (2017)
On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edge topology. Nature 531, 489–492 (2016).
Giant edge state splitting at atomically precise graphene zigzag edges. Nature Communications 7, 11507 (2016).
Bottom-Up Synthesis of Metalated Carbyne. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 1106–1109 (2016).
Manipulation and Characterization of Aperiodical Graphene Structures Created in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Physical Review Letters 113, 196803 (2014).
Cooperative Modulation of Electronic Structures of Aromatic Molecules Coupled to Multiple Metal Contacts,Physical Review Letter 110, 046802 (2013).
Tuning two-dimensional band structure of Cu(111) surface-state electrons that interplay with artificial supramolecular architectures. Physical Review B 88, 245430 (2013).
Visualization and Manipulation of Individual Dopant States in Single Conjugated Oligomers. ACS Nano 6, 3404–3410 (2012).
Emergence of localized in-gap states in conjugated polymers of branched topology. Physical Review B 86, 045428 (2012).
Resolving Band-Structure Evolution and Defect-Induced States of Single Conjugated Oligomers by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Tight-Binding Calculations. Physical Review Letters 106, 206803 (2011).
Single-Molecule Resolution of an Organometallic Intermediate in a Surface-Supported Ullmann Coupling Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 13264–13267 (2011).
Vibronic state assisted resonant transport in molecules strongly anchored at an electrode. Physical Review B 83, 115431 (2011).