
曹鑫 副教授
  • 交叉科学研究所
  • 软凝聚态物质与胶体物理
  • 021-54741168
  • 理科楼1号楼215
  • [email protected]

— 2023-至今:长聘教轨副教授,PC28预测

— 2017-2022:博士后,康斯坦茨大学(University of Konstanz)物理系(德国)

— 2014-2017:博士,香港科技大学物理系

— 2012-2014:硕士,香港科技大学物理系

— 2008-2012:学士,北京大学物理学院


[9] Xin Cao, Debankur Das, Niklas Windbacher, Felix Ginot, Matthias Krüger, Clemens Bechinger. Memory Induced Magnus Effect. Nature Physics 19, 1904-1909 (2023) 

[8] Panizon, E., Silva, A., Cao, X., Wang, j., Bechinger, C., Vanossi, A., Tosatti, E., Manini, N. Frictionless nanohighways on crystalline surfaces. Nanoscale, 15, 1299 (2023). 

[7] Cao, X., Silva, A., Panizon, E., Vanossi A., Manini, N., Tosatti, E., Bechinger C. Moire-pattern evolution couples rotational and translational friction at crystalline interfaces. Phys. Rev. X, 12, 012059 (2022). 

[6] Cao, X., Panizon, E.,Vanossi A., Manini, N., Tosatti, E., Bechinger C. Pervasive orientational and directional locking at geometrically heterogeneous sliding interfaces. Phys. Rev. E 103, 012606 (2021). 

[5] Cao, X., Panizon, E., Vanossi, A., Manini, N., Tosatti, E., Bechinger, C. Pile-up transmission and reflection of topological defects at grain boundaries in colloidal crystals. Nat. Commun, 11, 3079 (2020). 

[4] Cao, X., Panizon, E., Vanossi, A., Manini, N., Bechinger, C. Orientational and directional locking of colloidal clusters driven across periodic surfaces. Nat. Phys. 15, 776–780 (2019). 

[3] Cao, X., Zhang, H. & Han, Y. Release of free-volume bubbles by cooperative-rearrangementregions during the deposition growth of a colloidal glass. Nat. Commun. 8, 362 (2017). 

[2] Su, Y., Lai, P. Y., Ackerson, P. J., Cao, X., Han, Y. & Tong, P. Colloidal diffusion over aquasicrystalline-patterned surface.J. Chem. Phys. 146, 214903 (2017). 

[1] Cao, X., Wang, F. & Han, Y. Ground-state phase-space structures of two-dimensional +-Jspin glasses: A network approach.Phys. Rev. E 91, 062135 (2015).

欢迎对软物质和胶体物理感兴趣的本科生、研究生和博士后加入我们课题组,有意者可发送邮件至[email protected]


  1. 软凝聚态物理与胶体物理领域的基础知识与前沿研究状况

  2. 光刻技术,微米级胶体颗粒物溶液的制备技术,简单的激光光路搭建技术,利用激光、磁场等外场操控颗粒物的运动

  3. 显微镜成像和图像处理技术,包括同时对大量(1~100000)微米级颗粒物进行识别和轨迹追踪(matlap)

  4. 数据处理与分析能力,运用统计物理和其它软凝聚态物理相关的理论知识对新发现的颗粒物运动现象进行理论解释

  5. 利用以上知识和技术,独立开展科研、探索未知的能力


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