袁璐琦,教授、博士生导师。本硕毕业于上海交通大学,2014年在Texas A&M University获得物理学博士学位,同年加入Stanford University从事博士后研究员工作,2018年入职PC28预测 。
主要从事光子学和量子光学及相关领域的工作。研究光与物质的相互作用,利用微纳光子学中的动态调制以及量子光学中的量子相干性实现有效的光子操控,并发现新颖的光学现象。提出了包含光频率的人工合成维度的概念,与合作者在实验中验证了在人工合成维度中构建各类合成光子晶格的可能性,并在该合成晶格中研究拓扑光子学问题。开展的研究结合了原子分子光学系统与光子学体系,在其中探索拓扑光子学、人工合成维度、混合量子系统、光子传输、量子相干性等前沿科学课题。迄今与合作者在包括Science、PRL、Nat. Phys.、Nat. Photonics、Light、Sci. Adv.、Nat. Commun.、Optica、Adv. Photon.、Laser Photonics Rev.、Sci. Bull.等高水平期刊中发表论文100余篇。
Hannah Price*, Yidong Chong*, Alexander Khanikaev*, Henning Schomerus, Lukas J. Maczewsky, Mark Kremer, Matthais Heinrich, Alexander Szameit, Oded Zelberberg, Yihao Yang, Baile Zhang, Andrea Alu, Ronney Thomale, Iacopo, Carusotto, PHilippe St-Jean, Alberto Amo, Avik Dutt, Luqi Yuan, Shanhui Fan, Xuefan Yin, Chao Peng, Tomoki Ozawa, and Andrea Blanco-Redondo, "Roadmap on topological photonics," Journal of Physics: Photonics 4, 032501 (2022).
Luqi Yuan* and Shanhui Fan*, "Temporal modulation brings metamaterials into new era," Light Sci. Appl. 11, 173 (2022).
Luqi Yuan*, Avik Dutt, and Shanhui Fan*, "Synthetic frequency dimensions in dynamically modulated ring resonators," APL Photonics 6, 071102 (2021).
Daniel Leykam* and Luqi Yuan*, "Topological phases in ring resonators: recent progress and future prospects," Nanophotonics 9, 4473 (2020).
Luqi Yuan*, Yi Liu*, Jinping Yao*, and Ya Cheng, "Recent Advances in Air Lasing: A Perspective from Quantum Coherence," Adv. Quantum Technol. 2, 1900080 (2019).
Luqi Yuan*, Qian Lin, Meng Xiao, and Shanhui Fan*, "Synthetic dimension in photonics," Optica 5, 1396 (2018).
Wange Song, Zhiyuan Lin, Jitao Ji, Jiacheng Sun, Chen Chen, Shengjie Wu, Chunyu Huang, Luqi Yuan*, Shining Zhu, and Tao Li*, "Bound-Extended Mode Transition in Type-II Synthetic Photonic Weyl Heterostructures," Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 143801 (2024).
Zhaohui Dong, Xianfeng Chen, Avik Dutt*, and Luqi Yuan*, "Topological dissipative photonics and topological insulator lasers in synthetic time-frequency dimensions," Laser Photonics Rev. 202300354 (2024).
Luojia Wang, Da-wei Wang, Luqi Yuan*, Yaping Yang*, and Xianfeng Chen*, "Extreme single-excitation subradiance from two-band Bloch oscillations in atomic arrays," Photonics Res. 12, 571 (2024).
Danying Yu, Guangzhen Li, Luojia Wang, Daniel Leykam*, Luqi Yuan*, and Xianfeng Chen, "Moire Lattice in one-dimensional synthetic frequency dimension," Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143801 (2023).
Wange Song, Shengjie Wu, Chen Chen, Yuxin Chen, Chunyu Huang, Luqi Yuan*, Shining Zhu, and Tao Li*, "Observation of weyl interface states in non-Hermitian synthetic photonic systems," Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 043803 (2023).
Guangzhen Li#, Luojia Wang#, Rui Ye, Yuanlin Zheng, Da-Wei Wang, Xiong-Jun Liu, Avik Dutt, Luqi Yuan*, and Xianfeng Chen*, "Direct extraction of topological Zak phase with the synthetic dimension," Light Sci. Appl. 12, 81 (2023).
Hongwei Wang, Guojing Tang, Yu He, Zhen Wang, Xingfeng Li, Lu Sun, Yong Zhang, Luqi Yuan*, Jianwen Dong*, and Yikai Su*, "Ultracompact topological photonic switch based on valley-vortex-enhanced high-efficiency phase shift," Light Sci. Appl. 11, 292 (2022).
Guangzhen Li, Luojia Wang, Rui Ye, Shijie Liu, Yuanlin Zheng, Luqi Yuan*, and Xianfeng Chen*, "Observation of flat-band and band transition in the synthetic space," Advanced Photonics 4, 036002 (2022).
Han Xiao, Luojia Wang, Zheng-Hong Li*, Xianfeng Chen, and Luqi Yuan*, "Bound state in a giant atom-modulated resonators system," npj Quantum Information 8, 80 (2022).
Guangzhen Li, Danying Yu, Luqi Yuan*, and Xianfeng Chen, "Single pulse manipulations in synthetic time-frequency space," Laser Photonics Rev. 16, 2100340 (2022).
Guangzhen Li, Yuanlin Zheng, Avik Dutt, Danying Yu, Qingrou Shan, Shijie Liu, Luqi Yuan*, Shanhui Fan*, and Xianfeng Chen*, "Dynamic band structure measurement in the synthetic space," Sci. Adv. 7, eabe4335 (2021).
Danying Yu, Bo Peng, Xianfeng Chen, Xiong-Jun Liu*, and Luqi Yuan*, "Topological holographic quench dynamics in a synthetic frequency dimension," Light Sci. Appl. 10, 209 (2021).
Jianfan Yang, Luqi Yuan*, Tian Qin, Fangxing Zhang, Yao Chen, Xiaoshun Jiang, Xianfeng Chen, Shanhui Fan*, and Wenjie Wan*, "Phonon-induced anomalous gauge potential for photonic isolation in frequency space," Optica 8, 1448 (2021).
Jinping Yao, Luojia Wang, Jinming Chen, Yuexin Wan, Zhihao Zhang, Fangbo Zhang, Lingling Qiao, Shupeng Yu, Botao Fu, Zhengxiu Zhao, Chengyin Wu, Valdislav V. Yakovlev, Luqi Yuan*, Xianfeng Chen*, and Ya Cheng*, "Photon retention in coherently excited nitrogen ions," Sci. Bull. 66, 1511 (2021).
Avik Dutt, Qian Lin, Luqi Yuan*, Momchil Minkov, Meng Xiao, Shanhui Fan*, "A single photonic cavity with two independent physical synthetic dimensions," Science 367, 59 (2020).
Hailang Dai, Luqi Yuan*, Cheng Yin, Zhuangqi Cao, and Xianfeng Chen*, "Direct visualizing the spin Hall effect of light via ultrahigh-order modes," Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053902 (2020).
Danying Yu, Luqi Yuan*, and Xianfeng Chen, "Isolated photonic flatband with the effective magnetic flux in a synthetic space including the frequency dimension," Laser Photonics Rev. 14, 2000041 (2020).
Luqi Yuan*, Avik Dutt, Mingpu Qin, Shanhui Fan*, and Xianfeng Chen*, "Creating locally interacting Hamiltonians in the synthetic frequency dimension for photons," Photonics Res. 8, B8 (2020).
Han Xiao, Luojia Wang, Luqi Yuan*, and Xianfeng Chen, "Frequency manipulations in single-photon quantum transport under ultrastrong driving," ACS Photonics 7, 2010 (2020).
Luqi Yuan*, Qian Lin, Anwei Zhang, Meng Xiao, Xianfeng Chen*, and Shanhui Fan*, "Photonic gauge potential in one cavity with synthetic frequency and orbital angular momentum dimensions," Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 083903 (2019).
Avik Dutt, Momchil Minkov, Qian Lin, Luqi Yuan*, David A.B. Miller, and Shanhui Fan*, "Experimental band structure spectroscopy along a synthetic dimension," Nat. Commun. 10, 3122 (2019).
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2023年 上海交通大学优异学士学位论文指导教师
2022年 上海交通大学教书育人集体二等奖
2022年 Outstanding service as an EBM for Communications Physics
2021年 Optica 2021 Outstanding Reviewer
Communications Physics 编委;
Advanced Photonics 青年编委;
Ultrafast Science 青年编委