
俞进 教授
  • 光科学与技术研究所
  • 激光物质相互作用:物理和应用
  • 理科楼5号楼427室
  • [email protected]

俞进,1982年本科毕业于北京大学无线电电子学系波谱专业;1985年硕士毕业于巴黎高等师范大学和巴黎第六大学,原子分子物理专业;1988年巴黎第六大学获博士学位,量子物理专业。之后在法国国家科研中心Aime Cotton实验室和巴黎天文台任博士后,进而在法国里昂第一大学物理系任副教授、正教授。2013年被聘为上海交通大学物理与天文系访问讲席教授,2016年全职回国,被聘为PC28预测 致远讲席教授。

2016年回国前在法国长期从事超强、超快激光物理、激光与物质相互作用、非线性光学、激光光谱、激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)的基础研究和应用开发,特别是以主要项目成员身份参加法国-德国联合TERAMOBILE项目,进行啁啾放大飞秒激光脉冲在大气中成丝传播开创性研究及其应用开发。任2016年第九届世界LIBS大会主席,并担任欧洲、亚洲和世界LIBS大会科学顾问委员会委员,中国光学工程学会激光诱导击穿光谱专业委员会常务委员。发表140余篇学术论文,其中Web of Science录用137篇,含Science一篇, Nature Photonics 一篇,Physical Review Letters 5篇, Applied Physics Letters 10篇,Scientific Reports (Nature子刊)一篇,共被引用5135次,其中他引 4705 多次,Science文章单引达692次,平均每篇引用37.48次,h-index为40。

  1. F. Courvoisier, V. Boutou, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, G. Méjean, J. Yu, J.P. Wolf, Ultra-intense Light Filaments Transmitted through Clouds, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83(2), 213-215 (2003).

  2. J. Kasparian, M. Rodriguez, G. Méjean, J. Yu, E. Salmon, H. Wille, R. Bourayou, S. Frey, Y.B. Andre, A. Mysyrowicz, R. Sauerbrey, J.P. Wolf, L. Woeste, White Light Filaments for Atmospheric Analysis, Science 301(5629), 61-64 (2003).

  3. S. Skupin, L. Bergé, U. Peschel, F. Lederer, G. Méjean, J. Yu, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, J. P. Wolf, M. Rodriguez, L. Wöste, R. Bourayou, and R. Sauerbrey, Filamentation of femtosecond light pulses in the air: Turbulent cells versus long-range clusters, Phys. Rev. E 70, 046602 (2004).

  4.  K. Stelmaszczyk, Ph. Rohwetter, J. Yu, G. Méjean, E. Salmon, J. Kasparian, J.-P. Wolf, and L. Wöste, Long-distance remote laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using filamentation in air, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3977-3979 (2004).

  5. R. Ackermann, K. Stelmaszczyk, P. Rohwetter, G. Méjean, E. Salmon, J. Yu, J. Kasparian, G. Méchain, V. Bergmann, S. Schaper, B. Weise, T. Kumm, K. Rethmeier, W. Kalkner, J. P. Wolf and L. Wöste, Triggering and guiding of megavolt discharges by laser-induced filaments under rain conditions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 5781 (2004).

  6. L. Bergé, S. Skupin, G. Méjean, J. Kasparian, J. Yu, S. Frey, E. Salmon et J. P. Wolf, “Supercontinuum emission and enhanced self-guiding of infrared femtosecond filaments sustained by third-harmonic generation in air”, Phys. Rev. E 71  016602 (2005).

  7. G. Méjean, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, J. Yu, S. Frey, J. P. Wolf, S. Skupin, A. Vincotte, R. Nuter, S. Champeaux and L. Bergé, Multifilamentation Transmission through Fog, Phys. Rev. E. 72, 026611 (2005).

  8. G. Méjean, J. Kasparian, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, J. Yu, J. P. Wolf, Kay Rethmeier, WilfriedKalkner, Ph. Rohwetter, K. Stelmaszczyk and L. Wöste, Improved laser triggering and guiding of megavolt discharges with dual fs-ns pulses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021101 (2006).

  9. MatthieuBaudelet, Jin Yu, MyriamBossu, Julien Jovelet, and Jean-Pierre Wolf, Tanguy Amodeo and EmericFréjafon, Patrick Laloi, Discrimination of microbiological samples using femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 163903 (2006).

  10. Jin Yu, Qianli Ma, Vincent Motto-Ros, Wenqi Lei, Xiaochun Wang, Xueshi Bai, Generation and expansion of laser-induced plasma as a spectroscopic emission source, Front. Phy., 7, 649-669 (2012).

  11. Jin Yu and Ronger Zheng, Laser-induced plasma and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in China: The challenge and the opportunity, Front. Phys., 7, 647-648 (2012).

  12. JunshanXiu, Xueshi Bai, ErwanNegre, Vincent Motto-Ros, and Jin Yu, Indirect laser-induced breakdown of transparent thin gel layer for sensitive trace element detection, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 244101 (2013).

  13. Qianli Ma, Vincent Motto-Ros, Xueshi Bai and Jin Yu, Experimental investigation of the structure and the dynamics of nanosecond laser-induced plasma in one-atmosphere argon ambient gas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 204101 (2013).

  14. L. Sancey, V. Motto-Ros, B. Busser, S. Kotb, J. M. Benoit, A. Piednoir, F. Lux, O. Tillement, G. Panczer and J. Yu, Laser spectrometry for multi-elementalimaging of biological tissues, Sci. Rep., 4, 6065 (2014).

  15. Yanping Chen, Zhelin Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Xiaohui Yuan, Feng Liu, Min Chen, Jianqiu Xu, Jin Yu, Zhengming Sheng, and Jie Zhang, Spectral interference of terahertz pulses from two laser filaments in air, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 221105.

  16. Ye Tian, Ekaterina B. Sokolova, Ronger Zheng, Qianli Ma, Yanping Chen, and Jin Yu, Characteristics of ablation plume induced on glass for analysis purposes with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, SpectrochimicaActa B, 114, 7-14 (2015).

  17. Xueshi Bai, Fan Cao, Vincent Motto-Ros, Yanping Chen and Jin Yu, Morphology and characteristics of laser-induced aluminum plasma in argon and in air: a comparative study, Spectrochim. Acta B, 113, 158-166 (2015).

  18. Georg Daniel Förster, Marie Girault, Jérôme Menneveux, Luc Lavisse, Jean-Marie Jouvard, Maria del Carmen Marco de Lucas, Valérie Potin, François-Xavier Ouf, Moussa Kerkar, Jean-Luc Le Garrec, Erwann Carvou, Sophie Carles, Franck Rabilloud, Florent Calvo, Jin Yu, and James Brian Mitchell, Oxidation-induced surface roughening of aluminum nanoparticles formed in an ablation plume, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 246101 (2015).

  19. Ye Tian, Hoi Ching Cheung, Ronger Zheng, Qianli Ma, Yanping Chen, Nicole Delepine-Gilonand Jin Yu, Elemental analysis in powders with surface-assisted thin film laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, SpectrochimicaActa B 214 (2016) 16-24.

  20. Zhelin Zhang, Yanping Chen,Min Chen, Zhen Zhang, Jin Yu, Zhengming Sheng, and Jie Zhang, Controllable Terahertz Radiation from a Linear-Dipole Array Formed by a Two-Color Laser Filament in Air, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 243901 (2016).

  21. Ye Tian, Chunhua Yan, Tianlong Zhang, Hongsheng Tang, Hua Li, Jialu Yu,Jérôme Bernard, Li Chen, Serge Martin, Nicole Delepine-Gilon, Jana Bocková, Pavel Veis, Yanping Chen, and Jin Yu, Classification of wines according to their production regions with the contained trace elements using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, SpectrochimicaActa B 135 (2017) 91-101.


ApplPhys B Laser and Optics: Associate Editor

SpectrochimicaActa Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy: Editorial Board

Frontiers of Physics: Editorial Board




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