郑君,2006年博士毕业于中科院物理研究所。之后,在日本大阪大学激光工程研究所(ILE)完成2年的博士后工作。2008年入职于PC28预测 。研究内容包括数值模拟强激光和微结构靶的相互作用,通过对激光参数(光强、脉宽、偏振态、光谱)和微纳结构靶形貌(各种构型、密度分布)的精密设计来产生高品质(单能性、高能性、准直性、高能量转换效率)电子束、离子束和中子束,以期在医学(比如离子束治癌)和激光聚变新能源中的应用。这些研究获得国家自然科学基金面上基金(主持)和青年基金(主持)、教育部博士点基金新教师基金(主持)、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(主持)、多项重大专项(主持和参与)和863课题(参与)的支持。
“Further improvement of the light efficiency of LCDs via the asymmetric reflection of metallic nanowire gratings”, Z.C Ye and J. Zheng, Optical Materials Express 10, 962 (2020).
“Further improvement of the light efficiency of LCDs via the asymmetric reflection of metallic nanowire gratings”, Z.C. Ye and J. Zheng, Chinese Optics Letters 18, 052401 (2020).
“Highly Tunable Polarized Chromatic Plasmonic Films Based on Subwavelength Grating Templates”, Jun Zheng, Zhi-Cheng Ye, Cheng-Liang Wang, Yi-Fei Fu, Xin-Ran Huang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Advanced Materials Technologies 1800661, (2019).
“Broad bandwidth waveguide polarizer via grating mediated mode conversion”, J. Zheng, Z.C. Ye, C. Wang, Y. Fu, Z.M. Sheng, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36, 1602 (2019).
“Multichannel high extinction ratio polarized beam splitters based on metasurfaces”, H.Y. Wang, J. Zheng*, Y. Fu, C. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Ye, L.J. Qian, Chinese Optics Letters 17, 052303 (2019).
“Stimulated Raman scattering excited by incoherent light in plasma”, Y. Zhao, S.M. Weng, M. Chen, J. Zheng, H. Zhuo, Z.M. Sheng, Matter and Radiation at Extremes 2, 190 (2017).
“Optical Touch Screen Integrated With Fingerprint Recognition”, P. Ma, W. Cao, S. Zheng, X. Cui, L. Guo, J. Zheng, Z. Ye, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 56-2 (2017).
“Effective suppression of parametric instabilities with decoupled broadband lasers in plasma”, Y. Zhao, S.M. Weng, M. Chen, J. Zheng, H. Zhuo, C. Ren, Z.M. Sheng and J. Zhang, Physics of Plasmas 24, 112102 (2017).
“Reflective low-sideband plasmonic structural colors”, J. Zheng, Z. Ye and Z.M. Sheng, Optical Materials Express 6, 381 (2016) .
“Slim OFRS based on a grating input coupler and a microprim sensing surface”, P. Ma, X. Cui, J. Zheng, P. Kang, Z. Ye, Chinese optics letters 14, 112303 (2016) .
“Transparent optical fingerprint capture system based on subwavelength metallic grating couplers”, X. Cui, P. Ma, W. Cao, J. Zheng, P. Kang, Zhi-Cheng Ye, Optical Materials Express 6, 3899 (2016).
“激光带宽对激光等离子体受激拉曼散射不稳定性的抑制效应”,赵耀、郑君、於陆勒、陈民、翁苏明、盛政明,中国科学:物理、力学、天文学,45, 035201 (2015).
“Plasmonic Hologram Based on Metallic Nanowire Gratings”, X. Sheng, J. Cui, J. Zheng, Z. Ye, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27, 813( 2015).
“Tunable spectral filters based on metallic nanowire gratings”, N. Sun, J. Cui, Y. She, L., J. Zheng, Z. Ye, Optical Materials Express 5, 912 (2015).
“Polarized structure color from thin dielectric gratings on a metal film”, J. Cui, X. Cui, H. Xu, Y. Liu , J. Zheng, Z. Ye, Applied Optics, 54, 3868 (2015).
“Effects of large laser bandwidth on stimulated Raman scattering instability in underdense plasma”, Y. Zhao, L. Yu, J. Zheng, S.M. Weng, C. Ren, C. Liu, Z.M. Sheng, Physics of Plasmas 22, 052119 (2015).
“Highly anisotropic metasurface: a polarized beam splitter and hologram”, J. Zheng, Z. Ye, N. Sun, R. Zhang, Z.M. Sheng, H. Shieh, J. Zhang, Scientific Reports 4, 649 (2014).