
潘震 副教授
  • 天文与天体物理研究部
  • 引力波天体物理
  • 李政道研究所 N570
  • [email protected]
  • //tdli.pc28yuce.net/EN/people/tenure-track-fellows/433/ZhenPan

Education Background

2013-2018 University of California, Davis,  PhD of Cosmology

2010-2013 University of Science of Technology of China, Master of Astronomy

2006-2010 University of Science of Technology of China, Bachelor of Physics

Professional Experience

2023-NOW T.D. Lee Fellow, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2018-2023 Postdoc Researcher, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Research Interests

Currently I am mainly working on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics:  compact binary formation, merger and waveform; stochastic gravitational wave detection; multi-messenger astrophysics


Probing orbits of stellar mass objects deep in galactic nuclei with quasi-periodic eruptions

Cong Zhou, Lei Huang, Kangrou Guo, Ya-Ping Li and Zhen Pan               

Phys.Rev.D (in press)   Editors' Suggestion 



Figure 11

Formation rate of extreme mass ratio inspirals in active galactic nuclei

Zhen Pan and Huan Yang 

Phys. Rev. D 103, 103018 (2021)

                                            Probing Crust Meltdown in Inspiraling Binary Neutron Stars

                                              Zhen Pan, Zhenwei Lyu, Béatrice Bonga, Néstor Ortiz, and Huan Yang 

                                              Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 201102 (2020)     On the cover





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