Pablo Jarillo-Herrero教授展示莫尔结构
MIT的Pablo Jarillo-Herrero教授,著名的“魔角”发现者,在学术报告(Mildred S Dresselhaus Lecture)上,高度认可我们的线性&非线性莫尔工作,将其作为莫尔光子学范例介绍。Pablo说,
“You can also do moiré and twisted photonics. This is actually perhaps the largest and fastest growing field. With photonic crystals, and you can create this moiré lattice, that you can slow down tremendously the speed of light, and you can realize all kinds of nonlinear phenomena. The big persistent problem now, and all kinds of many, many people are actually working on this. And, it’s very interesting, you know, the kind of physics that is being explored. ”
译文: 你也可以研究莫尔和扭曲光子学,这实际上可能是最大和增长最快的领域。利用光学晶体,你可以制造出这种莫尔晶格(指我们的发表在Nature上的线性工作),它可以极大地降低光的速度,你也可以实现各种非线性现象(指我们发表在Nat Photon. 上的非线性莫尔工作)。这是现在一个很大的在持续研究的问题,还有很多很多人实际上都在做这个事。非常有趣,(莫尔中的)物理正在被探索。
Pablo教授在MIT 学术报告上的截图: